Diploma Time Commitment Options
The Brook Hill Academy offers both part-time and full-time study options. Regardless of the option each student chooses, The Brook Hill Academy works closely with them to develop an individual, personalized study plan to fit their goals and needs. Most students need at least 13 credits to graduate with a General Studies Diploma, but for international students, the exact number of credits may vary depending on the student’s country of origin and its specific educational requirements. We offer rolling admissions on a monthly basis to meet students’ needs no matter where they are in their schooling timeline.
Part-Time Dual Diploma Program
Our Part-Time Dual Diploma program allows students to obtain two high school diplomas: one through Brook Hill one through their local high school. This is achieved by taking at least the minimum required courses for the diploma at The Brook Hill Academy and transferring credits from the local high school into Brook Hill. While students take their Brook Hill courses part-time, they continue studying at their local high school to meet all graduation requirements for that high school in order to earn both diplomas.
This is our most popular option for international students who want to earn both an American high school diploma and a diploma from their home country. Click the link below to learn why!
Full-Time Study Diploma Program
Our Full-Time Study Diploma program allows students to obtain one high school diploma, through The Brook Hill Academy. Students must take the minimum required courses for the diploma at The Brook Hill Academy. They can transfer the remaining credits into Brook Hill, take the remaining courses at Brook Hill, or a combination of both. Generally, students choose to transfer as many credits as they can and take the remaining required credits at The Brook Hill Academy. Full-Time Study students who take more than 50% of their courses at The Brook Hill Academy can qualify for a full-time tuition discount.
Full-Time Study students do not need to continue studying at their local high school if they do not wish to. If they want a diploma from their local high school, they either need to continue studying at that high school to fulfill graduation requirements, or they can try to transfer course credits earned at The Brook Hill Academy to their local high school. Usually, it is a combination of both.